October 2014 Colt Starting Clinic


The Clinic is being held Thursday October 16th thru Sunday October 19th at our facility in Queen Creek, Arizona starting each day at 8 AM.

Click on the Directions page above for specific details on how to get here.

Lunch will not be provided on any day of the clinic, so plan on bringing a cooler with your favorite dish or snack.

Auditing is free for anyone  18-24, and $30 per day or $90 for all 4 days for everyone else, so don’t forget to bring your favorite chair if your just here to watch and learn.

It looks like we will have a very nice group for our colt starting clinic on October 16, 17, 18, and 19, 2014. All 12 positions have been filled. It is a result of the effort of all of you that shared this offer with all of your friends and encouraging each other. Thanks to all of those that offered horses to those of you that wanted to participate, but didn’t have a horse of their own.
We have 8 that are bringing horses of their own. 4 participants are using a horse that very generously is provided by others. We have 3 that are paying their own way, as they do not qualify for the free offer.
The huge response is not a result of my effort. All we did was offer a place to have it. Let this be a lesson to any 18 to 24 year olds that have an interest in having a clinic in your area, by encouraging and sharing this offer with your friends. The particular details will work their way out.
I am looking forward to the opportunity to share my ideas with this enthusiastic group. Ray would say the horse is the fact. Whenever there is so much positive energy, many good facts about the horse get revealed. It is my goal that with this enthusiastic group, they will present many situations, that some light will be brought to many facts about the horse, and this will have a positive impact on all of us. Keep sharing your interest, as we will keep a waiting list for those that couldn’t be in this one, but maybe have another one in a few weeks. “Let my experience enhance your experience.”

For any further questions, call Debbie Hill @ 480-206-1570


 Posted by at 6:23 am

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