Horseshoe Park and Equestrian Center Clinics
Tim Lynch, GM at HPEC with Charlie Hill, Chill Method
Charlie Hill Horsemanship, Chill Method, is proud to be the newest contributor and sponsor of Horseshoe Park Equestrian Center, Queen Creek, Arizona. We scheduled a Horsemanship Clinic there in May, 2015. We found the staff at Horseshoe Park very accommodating to us and our clinic participants. It was apparent to us that those with the potential interest that attended the clinic were excited to come to this great venue. Horseshoe Park is the best venue in the area. Horseshoe Park was voted the Justin Boot Best Footing Award by WPRA. It also received the 2009 Outstanding Facility by Arizona Parks and Recreation Ass. They hold many events there, including the Arizona Reined Cow Horse Ass with the Western States Versatility Ranch Horse Ass. They have the Arizona Cutting Horse Ass that held events there. The Arizona Cowboy Mounted Shooters and the Winter U.S. Championship Cowboy Mounted Shooters have scheduled their events there. Many team roping events by TNT World Series are held there. Also the Desert Diamond Barrel Racing Ass and the Queen Creek Barrel Racing Ass hold their events throughout the year there. The Queen Creek gymkhana and the Chandler Vaqueros Saddle Club hold their monthly gymkhanas there.
Charlie Hill Horsemanship decided to become a partner – sponsorship with Horseshoe Park Equestrian Center in 2015 and has booked several events to use this great venue to hold our local events and to bring a better quality of horsemanship to the area. On October 13, 2015, we had our first event there where professional trainer, Brian Bausch, brought 3 of the horses that he had in training and we showed the day in the life of a trainer, as we worked with the horses to advance their education. Our next event is November 24, 2015, 6:00pm to 8:00pm, we will have several trainers bring horses and we will work on techniques to bring better compliance from the horse. This should be very valuable to the general public or anyone interested with horses. On December 8, 2015, we will have another event, where several ropers will bring their rope horses to discuss horsemanship techniques that can improve their horses’ performance. This also will be very informative for everyone, even if you never intend to rope off your horse. Then on January 15 – 17, 2016, we will be holding a 3-day Horsemanship Clinic that will be open to all. This clinic will be focusing on both ground work and what I will call “riding from the ground.” I will relate to the things we do from the ground to the things we do from their back, also I will spend time riding and working on better communication. Watch the website, for more details. Come and support us at any of our events at Horseshoe Park Equestrian Center, as we intend to bring a better quality horsemanship to the area. If you are out of the area, book your own event by contacting Debbie Hill at
Hi Debbie and Charlie
Looks like you have lots of very exciting things going on with the clinics at the Horseshoe Park. I am happy your program been so well received all because of lots of hard work on both your parts!
Just wanted to tell how excited I was to see this. Call me Debbie and let me know when you two can have dinner. We are very open.